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ITIL®4 Practitioner

Unlock the power of ITIL 4 with our practitioner-level training. Learn how to tailor ITIL practices to meet specific business needs, drive innovation, and imporve overall service quality.

PRINCE2® 7 Foundation

Improve skills and employment prospects with accredited PRINCE2 project management training. Improving upon these skills will be of great advantage to project managers and each project they undertake.

ITIL® 4 Managing Professional

Two vital elements for success are perspective and flexibility. Perspective is key and necessary component for the successful delivery of mature technology-enabled services. ITIL® 4 Specialist and Practitioner modules also available.

TOGAF® EA Foundation

BITIL.COM is one of the first five organizations in the world to have its TOGAF® EA courses accredited by The Open Group...If you are ordering your TOGAF® EA course, you will be provided with the Student Handbook and Exam Voucher. Always included

ISO/IEC 27001 Auditor

Certify your expertise in performing audits against the ISO 27001 standard. Qualifications available: Foundation, Auditor, Practitioner-Information Security Officer.


Every single person in an organization can be a leader. The core competencies that leaders and line employees should cultivate and apply throughout their project management careers.

Agile Scrum Master

Elevate your Agile expertise with our Scrum Master training. Gain practical skills, learn best practices, and become a sought-after professional in the dynamic world of Agile project management.

European Project Management

The PM² Methodology is the official project management methodology of the European Commission. Obtaining certification in this methodology is essential for projects conducted within Europe, as it guarantees adherence to standardized practices and enhances project outcomes.

Design Thinking

Unleash your creativity and problem-solving skills with our Design Thinking course. Learn how to approach challenges from a user-centric perspective and develop innovative solutions.

ITIL®4 Practitioner
PRINCE2® 7 Foundation
TOGAF® EA Foundation
ISO/IEC 27001 Auditor
Agile Scrum Master
European Project Management
Design Thinking

Partnering with world's leading Certification Body and Companies


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Titolo CorsoData InizioData FineStatusLuogoEsameRetakeDurataCosto
ITIL® 4 Foundation  NewAgo 5, 2024Ago 6, 2024
Virtual ClassroomIncluso+ 55 €2 gg1195.00 EUR
ITIL® 4 High Velocity IT  NewAgo 7, 2024Ago 9, 2024
Virtual ClassroomInclusoIncluso2,5 gg1665.00 EUR
ITIL® 4 Digital IT Strategy  NewAgo 12, 2024Ago 14, 2024
Virtual ClassroomInclusoIncluso2,5 gg1850.00 EUR
OpenSM® Foundation  NewAgo 29, 2024Ago 30, 2024
Virtual ClassroomInclusoNon Incluso2 gg1090.00 EUR
COBIT 2019 Foundation  NewSet 2, 2024Set 3, 2024
Virtual ClassroomInclusoNon Incluso2 gg980.00 EUR
ITIL® 4 FoundationSet 4, 2024Set 5, 2024
Virtual ClassroomIncluso+ 55 €2 gg1195.00 EUR
ISO/IEC 27001 FoundationSet 9, 2024Set 10, 2024
Virtual ClassroomInclusoIncluso2 gg1090.00 EUR
Agile Scrum Master | SabatoSet 14, 2024Set 21, 2024
Virtual ClassroomInclusoNon Incluso2 gg1090.00 EUR
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt  NewSet 16, 2024Set 20, 2024
Virtual ClassroomInclusoIncluso5 gg2980.00 EUR
Prince2 FoundationSet 16, 2024Set 17, 2024
Virtual ClassroomInclusoIncluso2 gg980.00 EUR
20 Mar
Unlocking Success with Design Thinking in Project Management As project managers, we navigate a dynamic landscape where challenges often defy straightforward solutions. Enter ...
Design Thinking
11 Apr
La differenza tra essere un Project Manager con certificazione e senza: Qual è il vero valore di una certificazione? Oggi vorrei condividere alcune riflessioni sulla differenza ...
Project Management
09 Apr
Alcuni dei migliori software per la gestione di progetti sono: Microsoft Project - È uno dei software di project management più popolari e completi. Permette di creare ...
Project Management
08 Apr
Il Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) è un programma ambizioso promosso dall'Unione Europea, che mira a sostenere la ripresa economica e sociale dei paesi membri, in ...
Project Management
17 Mar
PM² is a project management lightweight methodology that has only a few rules and practices, or only ones that are easy to follow. In contrast with a "heavyweight methodology" ...
Project Management
20 Gen
Certifications renewal - consistent 3-year requirement 1 january 2023 | all Global Best Practice certifications will need to be renewed after 3 years Non-renewal | means that ...
Examination Institute
19 Gen
Two new ITIL® 4 extensions modules are being developed in the next quarter: ITIL® 4 Specialist: IT Asset Management (ITAM) Overview The benefits of IT asset management are ...
Service Management
30 Dic
The origins of the Agile Scrum methodology can be traced back to the article "The New New Product Development Game" by Nonaka & Takeuchi, published by HBR in 1986. The article ...
Agile Scrum
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