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Important changes AXELOS examinations

  • Update: 07/05/2022

PeopleCert has recently announced the following changes for AXELOS examinations, as of 1 February 2022:

1. Online Proctoring as the only exam delivery method

Aiming to further enhance the value of AXELOS certifications, PeopleCert is making its Online Proctoring - our tried-and-tested online exam delivery solution - the sole exam delivery method across the entire Business & IT portfolio.

We consider exam integrity to be of paramount importance and we bring forward a fully secure and protected online exam process, through which candidates will be offered with a certification of great validity and gravitas.

2. The official eBook will be offered alongside each exam voucher

Aiming to streamline the customer experience, PeopleCert will include the official eBook in the exam voucher for all AXELOS products.

Learners will be able to access their Digital Book through their PeopleCert account upon entering their voucher code. They will also be able to make annotations and access their Digital Book offline through the Bookshelf app that they can download anytime.

This brings PeopleCert one step closer to making the eBook a point of reference, even when practicing the framework at work, as the book will remain available post exam.

Source: Peoplecert

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