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DT Method® Foundation

Il corso DT Method ® (Design Thinking) Foundation è un Accredited Training Course, e viene svolto nell’arco di due giorni. Il design comprende un aspetto chiave per ogni progetto, prodotto o soluzione. Determina come un consumatore o un'azienda interagisce con il nostro prodotto e fornisce una visione chiave di come la nostra organizzazione è percepita e interagita. La chiave per la progettazione è spesso vista come un processo creativo, privo di metriche e quindi più difficile da misurare.

  • Docente: Italiano / Inglese
  • Durata: 16 h (2 gg)
  • Esame: Inglese
  • Durata Esame: x minuti

Descrizione del Corso

How the methodology is structured

Design Thinking combines the elements of three pillars to form the DTMethod®: DTModel, DTTools and DTRules & Roles.

DTRules & Roles incorporates the people centred approach and human-centred design in a structured ecosystem which helps to follow the process described by DTModel. It covers a variety of topics including teams, individuals, roles and how they interact using an active and iterative approach to apply the DTMethod.

DTModel explores in depth the three phases of the design process; Exploration, Creative and Construction. This is an crucial part of the process based on an iterative theory which allows for the structured design of a solution.

DTTools delves deep into the mentality of a user, to use a variety of tools to understand who they are and use this knowledge to create a series of user stories and needs which drive product and project functionality.

The benefits of Design Thinking Method

  • reduces risk to organisations by helping to assess if project is feasible before doing all the work,
  • project cost reduction: fewer project changes resulting from stakeholders feedback,
  • increase the benefits obtained by products, processes and services created by project management processes preceded by Design Thinking,
  • reduce the feeling of uncertainty about the duration and level of people's involvement in the Design Thinking process,
  • enable the incorporation of Design Thinking into the routine activity of projects,
  • prepare employees for effective work during Design Thinking workshops
  • increase the possibility of designing a good Solution.

A chi è rivolto

Individuals from several key disciplines may be interested in the Design Thinking Methodology:

  • Project Managers
  • Change Agents
  • Product Developers
  • Facilitators
  • SCRUM Masters
  • Product Owners

All these roles provide key elements of the initiation and success of any project, product or service. And, as all these roles will need to provide key inputs which affect the design process it is essentials a methodology is in place to support this.

Contenuti del corso DT Method Foundation

  • TBD

Simulazione d'esame

Attraverso questo sito sarete supportati dai migliori e più aggiornati simulatori d'esame, attentamente revisionati e curati per verificare il vostro livello di preparazione sulle relative tematiche ed in ottica di superamento del relativo esame di certificazione.


BITIL.COM è un Accredited Training Organization ATO presso APMG.

I docenti BITIL.COM sono accreditati (Accredited Trainer) dall’ente di formazione internazionale per la docenza e per la supervisione degli esami; sono professionisti in possesso di un’esperienza pluriennale in progetti di adozione del metodo Design Thinking presso medie e grandi dimensioni, in grado di trasferire un approccio realizzativo indipendente dai software vendor e totalmente orientato al business.  



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